Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013

Ducks - again...

Common goldeneyes.
Actually I wanted to write about the second part of my antelope stuff but I saw so many water birds the last few days that I must post these photos first. I warned you! I love waterfowl and I love watching them. Especially in winter you can see so many foreign water birds! So, for all bird lovers in the world, see more under the cut!

This time I visited the shores of Rapperswil. This area is famous for its bird wealth! No wonder, because the shores are covered with reed and the water is shallow – perfect grounds for foraging and breeding. The birds in the picture above are common goldeneyes and very special to me. I rarely get a chance to see these birds and today I even took pictures of them! It was amazing! When they saw me, they moved away from the shores. What a pity! But I was happy.

By the shores of Rapperswil you can see the almost biggest congeries of bald coots. They aren’t very special for me, because you can see these birds on every lake. But I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of them as well.

You can find “ordinary riff-raff” as well. In this case it’s a pair of mallard ducks, snoozing in the warm sun.

A beautiful swan was next to the mallard ducks, grooming its plumage. Swans always look so lordly ;)

Gulls were everywhere! A big flock of black-headed gulls call these shores their home. Here you can see them wearing their winter plumage, so no black head. Some fat yellow-legged gulls hung around, too.

Next to some gadwalls were also pochards. First I didn’t recognise them as female pochards. The males were sleeping by the reed, so they were hidden.

Suddenly a domestic duck appeared! I think this one is savaged.

Aaaand now the attraction next to the common goldeneyes: Eider ducks! YAY!!! My favourite brand of duck ™! A whole bunch of them were dabbling, eating some tasty mussels and honking around like noble people xD Daawwwww, they were so cute! I stood there forever, just watching them and I was so happy <3

I really need a better camera. My zoom is ridiculous! I‘m looking forward to the upcoming breeding season! YATTA!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Die Artenvielfalt in Rapperswil (wasn geiler Ortsname) ist geradezu beneidenswert - unser Teich hat "nur" Stockenten und hin und wieder mal ein paar sehr seltene Gäste (wie etwa ein Haubentaucher- oder Gänsepärchen), die aber entweder stets gefressen werden oder nie länger als eine Woche bleiben. Und was vermisse ich erst die Schwäne, die wir früher hatten, jetzt aber auch spurlos verschwunden sind.

    Tolle Fotos, machen absolut Lust, mal wieder selbst raus zu gehen und eine Runde Vögel zu beoabachten. :)
